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My micro life: 5:28pm, 4 December 2009

I just broke a deckchair. And, I suspect, my anus.

Found object: 2:52pm, 4 December 2009

Were I blessed with the good fortune of owning this Victorian eyePod, I’d want to be listening to music befitting its fine craftsmanship.

(Doctor Grymm, via New Scientist)

My micro life: 11:03am, 4 December 2009

Mother and daughter in the doctors waiting room are having an animated debate concerning the outcome of a fight between a dog and a snake.

My micro life: 7:44pm, 3 December 2009

Microsoft Office autoupdates always make me nervous.

Found object: 6:54am, 2 December 2009

I know which one’s going to be eaten first.

Hint: it’s the one who’s declining to participate in Mr Vampire’s “how to operate a hand puppet” lesson.

First rule of vampires, people.


Found object: 6:35am, 2 December 2009

Everyone remembers that fateful day, when the entire women’s gymnastics team were attacked by the exploding alien bottom fungus.

Pommel horse that, people of Earth!

(Black and WTF)

Found object: 8:31am, 26 November 2009

The first and second Matrix films had a handful of great sequences, but how much better would they have been if they’d been filmed in LEGO®vision?

Answer: this much better.

(Legomatrix, via GeekDad)

Found object: 6:19pm, 21 November 2009

This is the ex libris bookplate you’d see if you happened to borrow a book from the personal library of Benito Mussolini.

Yeah, I’d be giving it back pretty effing smartly too, finished or not.

(Dark Roasted Blend)

From the multiverse to the Whoniverse

It doesn't come as a huge surprise, but I didn't realise Michael Moorcock was a Doctor Who fan until it was recently announced he was contributing an original novel to the tie-in range currently being published by BBC Books. Here he shares his memories of the original series and his excitement (and sense of nervousness) about his forthcoming involvement with the new incarnation. Too bad Moorcock didn't write for the New Adventures series Virgin published in the nineties: he could've really let rip. Looking forward to this one nonetheless.

My micro life: 10:01am, 21 November 2009

Just saw a utility truck with a decal on the back window that said ‘The Uterus’.

My micro life: 10:27pm, 16 November 2009

Gonna start a new genre. It’s called punkpunk.

I’ll figure out the rest later.

Found object: 3:41pm, 16 November 2009

Lounge rooms for the little people who live inside your PC. Beautifully done, but I bet the vacuuming is a bitch.

(This Blog Rules)

My micro life: 7:09pm, 11 November 2009

Measuring my progress as a dad by my increasing willingness (nay, enthusiasm) to venture outside wearing only my underpants.

My micro life: 11:16am, 6 November 2009

Misread “Half Island” on a wine label as “MILF Island”.

Apparently I’m not allowed to return the crate.

Maketh the writer

Fascinating piece by Sarah Churchwell on some famous writer-editor relationships.

My micro life: 5:46pm, 30 October 2009

I swear I vacuumed this floor mere days ago, now it looks like a dandruffing mammoth has slept on it.

Found object: 11:00pm, 27 October 2009

When Tom Baker abstained from participating in Doctor Who’s twentieth anniversary episode, ‘The Five Doctors’, he was, for the purposes of a promotional photoshoot, replaced with a wax dummy. Now I’m wondering if he shouldn’t have been replaced with one of these adorable nesting dolls.

I love that the Hartnell and Troughton dolls are in monochrome.

(sweet is the wind, via lizbt)

My micro life: 10:35am, 27 October 2009

If the measure of ironing excellence was “add more creases”, I would be considered excellent at ironing.

Found object: 1:00pm, 23 October 2009

Giant woven fish from Peru. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d go mental if I had to wake up to this every day. Mad craft skills, but.

(Rafaelle Estrella)

Found object: 9:56am, 22 October 2009

This was the first major LEGO® set I owned. Clearly I will never achieve my dream of being the first author to include it on one of their book covers. Damn you, Jan Kraśko. Damn you to space.
