I’ll be less inclined to swap the limbs on my minifigs now. (Laughing Squid, via @snazdoll)
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A weblog by Christopher Miles
I’ll be less inclined to swap the limbs on my minifigs now. (Laughing Squid, via @snazdoll)
Artist Carl Warner on his fruit and vegetable recreation of iconic London landmarks: “It’s important to me that people look at this and go ‘London’, instantly.”
I love that that’s important to anyone. I love that anyone would want to spend three weeks striving to become the Christopher Wren of the fruit and veg world. I love that in the video accompanying the original article there’s at least one half-empty bottle of lager lying around the studio.
(newslite.tv, via Dark Roasted Blend )
Lounge rooms for the little people who live inside your PC. Beautifully done, but I bet the vacuuming is a bitch.
When Tom Baker abstained from participating in Doctor Who’s twentieth anniversary episode, ‘The Five Doctors’, he was, for the purposes of a promotional photoshoot, replaced with a wax dummy. Now I’m wondering if he shouldn’t have been replaced with one of these adorable nesting dolls.
I love that the Hartnell and Troughton dolls are in monochrome.
(sweet is the wind, via lizbt)
Giant woven fish from Peru. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d go mental if I had to wake up to this every day. Mad craft skills, but.