It’s happened to all of us. “Be careful,” says the lady at the Salvos. “Your antique bargain may be a sink of malignancy.”
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A weblog by Christopher Miles
It’s happened to all of us. “Be careful,” says the lady at the Salvos. “Your antique bargain may be a sink of malignancy.”
Includes a selection of horror and Gothic fiction, scientifiction, fantasy and sword and sorcery.
From the man himself: "This book consists of ideas, images, & quotations hastily jotted down for possible future use in weird fiction…" (H.P. Lovecraft). Frightening that any of these mind have found their source in, as he calls them, "casual incidents".
A look at the bizarre adventure-romance novels set in the Australian interior at the turn of the twentieth century, including George Firth Scott’s The Last Lemurian.