Two million pages available for searching. Disappointingly, viewing articles requires paid 24 hour or 7 day pass, unlike the equivalent (beta) service of the National Library of Australia.
Old magazine articles for “dilettants, hacks and the merely curious”
"Designed to serve as a reference for students, educators, authors, researchers, dabblers, dilettantes, hacks and the merely curious."
Open Library
Another way to access the mind-bogglingly huge archive of full text digitised books at the Internet Archive; very neat site design and great options for refining searches.
Public domain weird fiction at Wikisource
Includes a selection of horror and Gothic fiction, scientifiction, fantasy and sword and sorcery.
London Illustrated News pictures online
The London Illustrated News was the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper. This image library features a selection of woodcut illustrations from the newspaper dating from the mid-nineteenth century onwards.