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Crumbs unaccounted for

Luke Hand calculates the average cost of a Smith’s salt and vinegar–flavoured crinkle cut chip. Warning: MATHS.

Found object: 7:14pm, 2 February 2011

In case it’s not immediately apparent, that’s a Pacman sculpted from canned food. The cans were later distributed to food bank charities as part of the annual Canstruction competition.


“Doctor Hooey is good!”

A taste of what the new series of Doctor Who might have been like had it been produced by BBC Istanbul rather than BBC Wales.

(The Thumbcast)

Found object: 4:58pm, 25 January 2011

You can probably guess what I thought when I saw this.

(Dolly Dolly Image Blog)

For Who review site the bell tolls

It’s the end… Neil Perryman announces the closure of Doctor Who review blog Behind The Sofa. Hopefully this means there’ll be more activity over at the newly-regenerated Tachyon TV (I love the idea of the Adventures With The Wife In Space column).

Meanwhile, there’s always the regular (and regularly entertaining) Who Fix.

My micro life: 7:58am, 13 January 2011

Objects I have mistaken for toast today include: a coaster, a pack of cards, my phone, a slice of untoasted bread.

My micro life: 7:11am, 13 January 2011

My daughter has invented a new game, called ‘Is this my bottom?’ Rules: Point to any part of your body which is not your bottom and ask ‘Is this my bottom’? Winner: Everyone.

Found object: 11:31pm, 12 January 2011

If their letterhead’s this good, their website must be awesome.


“Very few shows have storylines in which the protagonist attempts to eat a cat”

Tim Howard supplies the theme song to ALF with some lyrical embellishment. It may help to view the lyrics. It may not.

Found object: 6:47pm, 12 January 2011

“What are you going to do, sucker me to death?”


Chris Abouzeid on dialect and accent in fiction

Chris Abouzeid at Beyond The Margins looks at Mark Twain’s ‘near photographic detail’ use of phonetic dialogue in Huckleberry Finn and considers some other ways of using diction, idiom and syntax to convey dialect and accent.

My micro life: 5:42pm, 7 January 2011

I keep going to put my phone in my pocket, but I have no pocket, because I’m wearing no pants.

My micro life: 8:35pm, 6 January 2011

I can’t decide whether ‘too much pizza’ is an oxymoron or a tautology.

My micro life: 6:52pm, 4 January 2011

It was only later that I realised the disadvantages of eating a dozen oysters before getting on the plane.

My micro life: 9:07pm, 28 December 2010

Is there a sultan of Bruny Island?

From Brontë’s Inferno

So was I in the midst of that dark land /
Pure, bracing ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed

Computer science fugitives

  • Osama Bit Laden
  • The Apache Web Server Kid
  • The Symbian Platform Liberation Army
  • “Batch” Cassidy and the Sun Microsystems Kid
  • Botnet and Clyde
  • The Dirty DOSen
  • Boolean Assange

My micro life: 4:58pm, 26 October 2010

Just had to clean up a urine spill (in a wardrobe, no less), in the course of which I stubbed my toe on a xylophone shaped like a dog.

My micro life: 1:12pm, 24 October 2010

I knew I shouldn’t have crossed that peccary with that armadillo. I have too many peccadilloes as it is.

Mr micro life: 1:49pm, 18 October 2010

My daughter and I are playing superheroes. She has a sequinned cape, kneepads and a sword; I have a pink shawl and a handbag with a toy spanner with it.