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My micro life: 7:43am, 14 August 2009

My daughter just asked me to “run like an emo”. I had already slipped over on my own tears when I realised she meant “emu”.

My micro life: 8:16am, 10 August 2009

It’s just gone 8.00am and I’ve already picked up one piece of human poo with my fingers.

My micro life: 11:36am, 17 April 2009

Comments I’d rephrase for clarity if I had my time again (#14): “Daddy’s just going to wipe his bottom and make you a sandwich.”

My micro life: 11:00pm, 2 March 2009

Coroners must occasionally see things which test their professionalism and make them feel ill.

Changing nappies is like that sometimes.

My micro life: 6:51pm, 13 February 2009

My daughter vomited beef ravioli all over Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy.

Narrate that, Sir Derek Jacobi.

My micro life: 4:37pm, 10 February 2009

Great moments in parenting: just had to use the phrase “That’s not what socks are for.”

My micro life: 1:32pm, 23 January 2009

The rate at which my daughter is acquiring new words is exceeded only by the rate at which my vocabulary is diminishing.

My micro life: 6:37pm, 21 November 2008

It’s amazing how quickly poo disintegrates in bath water. Well, maybe it’s not that amazing.