James Joyce was a four-eyed fart-sniffing tosser. Just one of Tim Howard’s make-believe Guardian books blog entries. Check out Tim’s previous effort Sterne for a treasury of postings both erudite and lewd. And there’s nothing finer than the marriage of lewdness and erudition. Mr Howard’s a celebrant all over that shit.
I like your trousers
Mr Larkin, I like your trousers.
Blog. I mean blog.
Victorian history blog
I'm a sucker for Victoriana; the juxtaposition of grime and ornament, technology and the primitive, manners and monsters. Here's a fantastic blog offering glimpses into Victorian life, by an Australian but with a focus on Victorian London.
Old is the new new
This blog by a historian and 'robot fancier' purports to "drop history like Galileo dropped the orange", so it's clearly down with it, homes, as well as being educational.
Girls, guns and ghouls
Evil midgets, lecherous men with x-ray eyes, and sadistic hot-rod driving go-go dancers. Is that a promise, Boris?